Wednesday, December 22, 2010

December 22, 2010

So fly, so fly.
Lol, I love random English in Korean songs.
Really excited today :)
So much good stuff came out.

It's 11:57!
Gonna make this short so I can make my 22nd title true.

Today I went to J's house with A.
Fun stuff!

Then went to church.

Now watching drama.
gotta do other post too!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

December 21, 2010 pt.2

It's 2:50pm now!
I made a schedule to do a bunch of stuff, but all I've done is:
  • Text S
  • Brush Teeth
But I still have to:
  • Read the Hobbit
  • Wash my Dishes
Guess what?
I made peanut butter cookies :)
Well, I felt guilty because I didn't want to use up all the peanut butter (but there was still another jar)
So, they sorta turned out bad.
Plus, I used brown sugar.
And I couldnt find a measuring cup or spoon.
I estimated.
Lol, Whitney FAIL.

Tonight is the Dinner!
S still hasnt texted me back about when she's gonna come pick me up though.
Oh shnap. Not good.

Been laying in bed watching drama all day.
I made cookies and some leftovers that my Mom told me to eat for lunch.

Mom called a while ago to check if there was still an envelope in the mailbox outside.
Nope, I guess she wanted someone to pick something up, and they did.
She said she had found a cell phone on the GO Train.
They left a bag of chocolate and some cookie mix.
Good job for your good deeds Mom!
You were greatly rewarded.
Muhahaha :)

Christmas Shopping

I love it, but man is it frustrating.
I still got so much stuff to buy.
And so little time.
Plus, NO RIDE.

Stuff to Get:
  • Anne : SHINee Hello Repackage Album?
  • Yan : Something related to Cinnamon Roll
  • Vivian : OPI Nail Polish in a Muddy Colour!
  • Erin : Balea Cream from Shoppers
  • Betsy : Aritzia Gift Card
Places I need to Go to Get that Stuff:
  • Pacific Mall
  • Shoppers Drug Mart
  • Fairview/Eatons/Vaughn Mills
How much Time I have:
  • Three Days.
How do you say, I'm screwed?
Grrr, Erin why can't you come back already.

I have sinned,
I used the blackhead tool on my nose again.
Man is it addicting.
I got to hide that thing.
I have a huge zit on my nose now.
I guess it serves me right.

Sigh, I miss High Kick Through the Roof.
Been listening to 윤시윤's Road from Here.

YAY, I got someone to buy me Betsy's gift.
Now all I have to go to is Shoppers, which is right across the street (sorta)
And Pmall.

I think that's enough aha.
See you later if I decide to blog again tonight ;)

I'm a gif girl ;)
Loving "When the Door Closes" by 두준&동운
less than three-

Monday, December 20, 2010

December 21, 2010

It's 12:51 in the am!
Lights out, being a rebel on the lappytop.
My Cousin bought me this blackhead and white head tool.
I'm actually addicted to it.
I should stop!
Remind myself not to use it for the next few days.
My nose actually feels sore after yesterday x)

Wanted to watch some drama or reality show,
But Running Man froze on me.
Damn you Facebook Video player.

Actually really bored, but I can't bring myself to read the HOBBIT grrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
I calculated, if I read 10 pages a day, I could finish my 130 pages by January 3rd.
Zoh my goodness.
Good riddance.

Was texting C, J, and S earlier when I was at the dentist.
J is such a bummer. Can't talk to him. I guess I'm too boring for him.
S is my besty forever. Was asking her for a ride to todays Dinner Help out thing.
C is the organizer of the Dinner Help thing, + my autre biffle.
I think I was boring J because all I was talking about was food.
Plus he was a jerk and didn't reply.
And I could see him updating on twitter and not talking to me.
Kay thanks bud, thanks.

Phone just vibrated.
Message from a friend.
Too lazy to reply to her msgs recently.

C is watching Keeping up with the Kardashians.
I would watch, but I still want to watch the Tori and Dean show.
Man Parents too cheap to pay for extra channels.
I could've been watching KBSWORLD.

It's almost 1am now.
I wonder what time I will wake up?
Sigh, oh the life.

I wonder what Oppa's doing.
I was never really a big part of his life though.

My back hurts alot.
Grrr, Comp you make my back hurt.
Phone vibrating non-stop.
Oh how I hate how my blackberry is linked to msn sometimes.

Contemplating whether or not to watch drama.
Oh man, life has way too many options.
I should just read my bible.
It is on my bed, always.
Convieinently when I want it.
Someone really needs to fix my spelling on this.
Spell check? Where are you?
Lol found yah!
I always do spell check on my blackberry before I tweet something aha.
And why do I have so many rando followers on twitter?

It's now 1:02am!
Finally turned my light on, was getting tired of the darkness.
Straigning my eyes on the laptop now!

Oh, how I love my netbook.
But it is honestly really small.
Constantly I am pressing F11.
Why can't Omona post something good?
Or someone post something interesting on Facebook?

Maybe I should just go on Tumblr.
I feel like I'm cheating on Tumblr with Blogger.
I think I have a Blogspot too that I don't use.

Thinking about brushing my teeth and flossing right now.
Using up my random awake time.
Should make me more sleepy right?



(i sorta like this font xD)

December 20, 2010

Why hello Blogging.

Day One to Blogging:

It's winter break right now, been bored all day.
Mom had a deadline today so she will be home late.
Its 8:32pm 9:32pm. Wow, it is ridiculously late.
My laptop is screwed up, everytime I change the time, it changes back.
But whatever.
She usually comes home way earlier.
Dad and I went to the dentist today.
I got a new girl, she was nice though.
Have a cavity! OH NOES.
Listening to G20 - Let's Go right now. I know its old, but for some reason i clicked it and listened to it :)
Wong Fu posted their new Dave Days MV, I should check it out.
I feel like I'm really emotionless on Blogger.
I should add more happy faces and stuff aha.
Want to keep it "professional" though x)

It was Oppa's baptism yesterday. 
I really wish I could've gone but Dad had to drive E home.
Oppa, did you have fun?
I'm really happy for you.
I wish i could've been there.
But that would've probably made you uncomfortable.
Live a good new life.
Maybe you will come to my baptism when I get baptised.

I've been trying to read the Bible more, and the book I got from the Bible Quiz.
It's so hard to though, wahh.
Plus I have to read the Hobbit.
Damn P3 Teacher, why didn't you give me a better book.
I don't blame her though.
Sigh, I really dislike reading right now.

Dad's listening to Christmas carols downstairs really loud.
I got invited to a party yesterday.
Interesting huh?
I'm not really the type to party and stuff.
It does sound fun, but like honestly, why would you make it on Christmas Eve?
That's just silly M.
Still love ya though.
M's gonna let people drink at her party too.
How fun, I should go to help people vomiting in the toilets...
Wouldn't that be nice?

Dad went to go pick up Mom.
Just bbm-ed E.
She thinks I don't brush my teeth.
Honestly, I do.
I just don't understand how it gets stinky so fast...

Having the urge to put my kpop stuff on this blog.
But no! I shall not because I shall make another one for that stuff.

When will I ever get retweeted or replied by Wongfu :(

Mom's gonna chop my head off when she gets home for not cleaning.
I just moved all my stuff to one side.

Almost 10!
Tomorrow I am helping out for a Single Mom's Dinner at another church.
Fun stuff.
We will see if i remember to blog tomorrow :)


aha, i love my name.

(i'm sorry, i had to)