Tuesday, December 21, 2010

December 21, 2010 pt.2

It's 2:50pm now!
I made a schedule to do a bunch of stuff, but all I've done is:
  • Text S
  • Brush Teeth
But I still have to:
  • Read the Hobbit
  • Wash my Dishes
Guess what?
I made peanut butter cookies :)
Well, I felt guilty because I didn't want to use up all the peanut butter (but there was still another jar)
So, they sorta turned out bad.
Plus, I used brown sugar.
And I couldnt find a measuring cup or spoon.
I estimated.
Lol, Whitney FAIL.

Tonight is the Dinner!
S still hasnt texted me back about when she's gonna come pick me up though.
Oh shnap. Not good.

Been laying in bed watching drama all day.
I made cookies and some leftovers that my Mom told me to eat for lunch.

Mom called a while ago to check if there was still an envelope in the mailbox outside.
Nope, I guess she wanted someone to pick something up, and they did.
She said she had found a cell phone on the GO Train.
They left a bag of chocolate and some cookie mix.
Good job for your good deeds Mom!
You were greatly rewarded.
Muhahaha :)

Christmas Shopping

I love it, but man is it frustrating.
I still got so much stuff to buy.
And so little time.
Plus, NO RIDE.

Stuff to Get:
  • Anne : SHINee Hello Repackage Album?
  • Yan : Something related to Cinnamon Roll
  • Vivian : OPI Nail Polish in a Muddy Colour!
  • Erin : Balea Cream from Shoppers
  • Betsy : Aritzia Gift Card
Places I need to Go to Get that Stuff:
  • Pacific Mall
  • Shoppers Drug Mart
  • Fairview/Eatons/Vaughn Mills
How much Time I have:
  • Three Days.
How do you say, I'm screwed?
Grrr, Erin why can't you come back already.

I have sinned,
I used the blackhead tool on my nose again.
Man is it addicting.
I got to hide that thing.
I have a huge zit on my nose now.
I guess it serves me right.

Sigh, I miss High Kick Through the Roof.
Been listening to 윤시윤's Road from Here.

YAY, I got someone to buy me Betsy's gift.
Now all I have to go to is Shoppers, which is right across the street (sorta)
And Pmall.

I think that's enough aha.
See you later if I decide to blog again tonight ;)

I'm a gif girl ;)
Loving "When the Door Closes" by 두준&동운
less than three-

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